Updated in 2022!

Nurse Practitioner Healthcare Foundation and City Lore Announce Innovative E-Learning Courses Using the Arts to Teach Cultural Competency to the Healthcare Team 
In a novel approach to cultural competency training, the Nurse Practitioner Healthcare Foundation (NPHF) and City Lore (CL), in collaboration with the Interstate Postgraduate Medical Association (IPMA), have developed two arts-centered e-Learning courses for improving healthcare providers’ ability to offer culturally sensitive care to diverse populations.  Using illustrations from music, sculpture, painting, poetry, dance, hip-hop, and other art forms, and stories from folklorists of varying cultural backgrounds, the courses are designed to raise awareness of the need to employ cultural sensitivity in care delivery, and provide a practical “how to” set of guides. 
The program, From Heritage to Health:  An Arts Centered Approach to Cultural Competence, includes two e-Learning Courses.  Course #1, Concepts of Culturally Sensitive Care focuses on the underlying concepts of culturally sensitive care:  cultural humility, knowledge of various cultures, narrative competency, and structural competency or system “savvy.”  Concepts are presented in a compelling way, with videoclips, images, and stories that enliven and inspire the content. 
The second course, Welcoming Patients to Your Practice, highlights the key skills needed to reach out and engage patients in their care in a sensitive manner.  Respect and rapport, eye contact, accepting faith-based beliefs, appropriate touch, active listening, and avoiding ethnocentric responses are all highlighted through the artists’ lenses and works. 
The courses are designed to meet the learning needs of the entire healthcare team.  Continuing education credit is available for nurses, nurse practitioners, physicians, physician assistants.   Other learners will receive a Certificate of Completion for each course. 
To access Course #1, go to https://www.mycme.com/courses/heritage-to-health-concepts-of-culturally-sensitive-care-update-8549

To access Course #2, go to https://www.mycme.com/courses/heritage-to-health-welcoming-patients-to-your-practice-update-8550